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Grunge News
- 29 juil. 2020
- 1 Min
Twitter: A retro eye!
“When was the launch of Twitter? - July 15, 2006! " Everyone knows Twitter, the application that sends Tweets up to 280 characters long...
Grunge News
- 8 juin 2020
- 2 Min
An uncommon plumber ...
The character of Mario appeared in 1981 in the game Donkey Kong created by Shigeru Miyamoto and Gunpei Yokoi. When developing the game,...
Grunge News
- 8 juin 2020
- 1 Min
YouTube or Utube ?
In 2005, when the video-sharing site was created, another piping company closed down. What's the connection? Well, it's...
Grunge News
- 8 juin 2020
- 1 Min
Where did the BUG come from ?
Bug means "insect" in English and it has also become the term used to describe any computer incident. But why is that ? It is important...
Grunge News
- 8 juin 2020
- 2 Min
The first TV show
April 26th, 1935 marked the day of the first official broadcast. It was essentially a program where only French Minister Georges Mandel...
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